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O U R   S T O R Y

From as far back as she can remember, Toshina has been a fan of pampering herself, using numerous beauty and body care products. By December of 2016, this love had planted in her the idea that she could start making her own products.  She created her first sugar scrubs and gifted them to her family and close friends for Christmas.

Although she explored the idea of starting her own business, it was not until August of 2019 that she would become serious about it.  It was during this time, after experiencing a health scare, that Toshina was inspired to change her eating habits and be an overall more health-conscious person; empowering her to elevate herself spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially, without excuses.  What first started out as a 30-day challenge of eliminating certain foods from her diet, led to her changing her eating habits, exercising more, and inevitably lead to her changing her skincare regimen.  She began to take more of a deliberate interest in the products that she used regularly and was alarmed to find so many harsh chemicals, synthetics, and even carcinogens.  Determined to give her body the best, she started researching natural skin care ingredients and remedies, which then opened the door for her to create her first business, Indulgence Body Treats by Toshina.

As one blessing came into her life, just a month and a half after its launch, Toshina found out about another blessing; she was pregnant. Beyond being excited about expanding their family, she and her husband planned every detail of their baby's arrival, as she also continued building her business. However, on January 19, 2021, Toshina and her husband received news that their baby, whom they named Brevyn, no longer had a heartbeat. Devastated by her miscarriage at 19 weeks and 3 days into her pregnancy, but driven by her little angel, it was during her stay in the hospital that she knew she needed and wanted to "do something". 

Following her miscarriage, Toshina focused completely on healing and decided to take a long break from her business. During this painful time, she would grow more intentional about her self-care, forcing herself to not only re-discover who she was but most importantly, to live out the purpose God had designed for her life. This experience would help her to realize a renewed sense of purpose; one that would fuel her desire to continue her passion for helping others.

In doing so, she re-branded Indulgence Body Treats by Toshina to RENEW Body Care, LLC, which represents both the rebirth of her business and her spirit. This re-brand spoke volumes to her own personal story and also showcased the true benefits of using simply made, all-natural products which included healing and rejuvenation, both inside and out.  

In addition, to RENEW, Toshina also co-founded with her husband, Brandon, Angel Prints Corporation; a non-profit organization that raises awareness for pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and infant loss. Their organization sends out care packages named after their little angel, Brevyn, called, "Brevyn’s Box"; offering support to bereaved couples and families as they process their grief.  


5% of each purchase goes towards supporting the cause and mission of Angel Prints Corporation.

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